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Bangkok Don Mueang (DMK) to Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) Distance, How Far Apart Are They?

Somruthai Naensanit

Traveling between Bangkok’s airports, Don Mueang (DMK) and Suvarnabhumi (BKK), can happen for various reasons. Maybe you have flights arriving/departing at different airports, or perhaps you’re exploring onward travel options. Regardless, knowing the distance between them is helpful.

The distance between Don Mueang Airport (DMK) and Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) is approximately 39-52 kilometers (24-32 miles), depending on the chosen route.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Road distance: This is the most commonly quoted distance and falls around 39 kilometers (24 miles).
  • Travel distance: Depending on the specific route and traffic conditions, the actual travel distance can vary between 39 and 52 kilometers (24-32 miles).

Travel Time:

Travel time can also vary depending on the chosen mode of transportation:

  • By car: Expect the trip to take around 33-46 minutes under good traffic conditions.
  • By public transport (bus, van): Allow 1-1.5 hours for the journey, including transfers.
  • By taxi: Taxis offer a more direct option, with travel time ranging from 30-45 minutes.

Planning Your Trip:

  • Traffic: Bangkok can be notorious for traffic jams. Factor this in when choosing your travel time, especially during peak hours.
  • Mode of transport: Consider your budget, luggage amount, and desired travel time when deciding between options.
  • Pre-booking: If opting for a taxi or private car service, consider pre-booking for a smoother transition, especially if arriving during busy times.

Knowing the distance between Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports allows you to plan your transfer efficiently. By factoring in travel time and traffic conditions, you can ensure a stress-free connection between Bangkok’s airports.

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Somruthai Naensanit

Somruthai Naensanit is a passionate travel writer and Bangkok native with an unending love for her vibrant city. With years of experience exploring every nook and cranny of Bangkok, Somruthai brings a wealth of local knowledge and insider tips to her writing. She has a keen eye for detail and a knack for uncovering hidden gems that make Bangkok unique.

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