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Deevana Resort and Spa Phuket, A Look at Traveler Reviews on Tripadvisor

Suppakorn Thongpoon

Thinking about booking a stay at the Deevana Resort and Spa in Phuket? Tripadvisor is a great resource to get the inside scoop from past guests. Let’s dive into what travelers are saying about this Phuket resort.

Overall Positive Reviews

The general consensus seems to be that Deevana Resort and Spa offers a relaxing and enjoyable stay for guests. Many reviewers highlight the friendly and helpful staff, with some even mentioning room upgrades! The resort’s cleanliness and comfortable rooms are also frequently mentioned.

Location, Location, Location!

A big perk for many guests is the resort’s location. Situated in Patong, it offers tranquility while still being close to the area’s main attractions and the beach. Reviews mention that it’s far enough away from the nightlife scene to be peaceful, but close enough for easy access if you’re interested.

Two Pool Paradise

The resort boasts two swimming pools, giving guests options depending on their preferences. Some reviewers enjoyed the pool near their room with a poolside bar, while others preferred the one nestled in the lush gardens.

Breakfast Bliss

The breakfast buffet gets a thumbs up from many travelers, with mentions of a wide and delicious variety.

Considering a Stay?

If you’re looking for a relaxing Phuket getaway with a great location, friendly staff, and a delicious breakfast, Deevana Resort and Spa appears to be a strong contender based on Tripadvisor reviews. Of course, as with any hotel research, it’s always a good idea to read a variety of reviews to get a well-rounded picture.

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Suppakorn Thongpoon

Suppakorn Thongpoon is a knowledgeable travel guide and writer who specializes in creating detailed, practical itineraries for exploring Bangkok. With years of experience in the tourism industry, Suppakorn offers expertly curated travel plans that cater to various interests and timeframes. His itineraries ensure that travelers can maximize their experience in Bangkok, whether they have a day, a weekend, or a week.

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