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Distance Between Bangkok Airport and Shangri-La Hotel

Kesinee Watchara

Planning a trip to Bangkok and wondering how far you’ll be from your luxurious stay at the Shangri-La Hotel? You’ve come to the right place!

The distance between Bangkok Airport (Suvarnabhumi Airport, BKK) and the Shangri-La Hotel depends on which route you take. By car, the distance can range from approximately 37 kilometers (23 miles) to 45 kilometers (28 miles).

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Shortest Distance (37 km): This route offers the most direct path and takes about 23 minutes under ideal traffic conditions.
  • Longer Distance (45 km): This route might take slightly longer (around 42 minutes) but could be preferable depending on traffic or your chosen mode of transportation.

Travel Time:

While the distance itself is helpful to know, travel time can vary depending on traffic conditions. Expect the 23-minute estimate for the shortest route to be more realistic during off-peak hours. During rush hour or with heavy traffic, the journey could take closer to an hour on either route.

Don’t forget! This is just an estimate based on typical driving conditions. Always factor in extra time for unexpected delays.

Alternative Routes and Transportation Options:

While this post focused on driving distances, there are other ways to get between the airport and the Shangri-La Hotel:

  • Taxi: A convenient and affordable option, though fares can fluctuate depending on distance and time of day.
  • Airport Rail Link: A rapid train service connecting the airport to the city center. From there, you can take a taxi or rideshare to the hotel.
  • Hotel Transfers: The Shangri-La Hotel might offer airport transfer services. Check their website or contact them directly for more information.


Knowing the distance between Bangkok Airport and the Shangri-La Hotel can help you plan your arrival and choose the most suitable transportation option. By considering traffic conditions and exploring alternative routes, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free start to your Bangkok adventure!

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Kesinee Watchara

Kesinee Watchara is an adventurous foodie and travel writer who loves to uncover Bangkok’s culinary delights. With a palate for both street food and fine dining, Kesinee shares her gastronomic adventures through vibrant, mouth-watering narratives. She provides comprehensive guides on where to find the best local eats, from hidden street food stalls to high-end restaurants, ensuring every food lover can taste the true flavors of Bangkok.

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