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How Far is Phnom Penh from Bangkok? Exploring Travel Distances

Narupon Hinshiranan

Planning a trip from Phnom Penh, Cambodia to Bangkok, Thailand? You’ve come to the right place to figure out the distance between these vibrant Southeast Asian cities.

There are two main ways to measure distance:

  • Straight-line distance (as the crow flies): This is the shortest distance between two points, measured on a map without considering any roads or obstacles.
  • Driving distance: This is the actual distance you’ll travel by car or bus, following the route on the ground.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Straight-line distance: The distance between Phnom Penh and Bangkok as the crow flies is approximately 334.90 miles (538.97 kilometers) [source:].
  • Driving distance: By road, the distance is slightly farther, around 498 miles (800 kilometers) [source:].

Travel time also varies depending on your chosen mode of transportation:

  • Flying: The fastest option, with a flight time of around 4 hours and 25 minutes.
  • Bus: A more budget-friendly option, with journeys taking approximately 14 hours.
  • Car: Self-driving offers flexibility but can take 8 to 9 hours depending on traffic and road conditions.

Things to Consider When Choosing Your Travel Option:

  • Budget: Flights are generally the most expensive option, while buses are the cheapest.
  • Time: If you’re short on time, flying is the best choice.
  • Comfort: Buses can be comfortable for long journeys, while cars offer the most flexibility for stopping and exploring along the way.

Beyond the Distance: Planning Your Trip

No matter how you choose to travel, consider these additional factors:

  • Border crossing procedures: Make sure you have the necessary visas and documentation for entering Thailand.
  • Time zone: Both Phnom Penh and Bangkok are in the same time zone (Asia/Jakarta), so you won’t need to adjust your watch.
  • Currency exchange: The currencies in Cambodia (Cambodian riel) and Thailand (Thai baht) are different, so plan to exchange money before your trip or upon arrival.

With a little planning and the information above, you can embark on a seamless journey from Phnom Penh to Bangkok and explore the cultural delights of both these captivating cities.

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Narupon Hinshiranan

Narupon Hinshiranan is a passionate travel photographer and writer dedicated to capturing the vibrant essence of Bangkok. His stunning visuals and evocative storytelling bring the city to life, offering readers a visually immersive experience. Narupon's work showcases Bangkok’s bustling markets, serene temples, and vibrant street life, providing a picturesque guide for travelers.

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