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What Time is Sunset in Phuket Today?

Kavinvit Jitthum

Phuket, Thailand’s largest island, is famous for its stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife. But if you’re looking for a more relaxing way to end your day, there’s nothing quite like watching the sunset paint the sky with fiery hues.

So, you’ve packed your swimsuit, booked your dream hotel, and now you’re wondering – what time does the sun actually set in Phuket today?

The good news is, you can expect a beautiful sunset in Phuket around 6:47 PM (local time) on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024. Thailand’s proximity to the equator means that sunset times don’t vary dramatically throughout the year, so you can use this as a general guideline for your trip.

Of course, depending on your location and weather conditions, the exact time might differ slightly. Here are some resources to help you pinpoint the exact sunset time for your specific location in Phuket:

With the sunset time in hand, you can now plan your evening perfectly. Head to one of Phuket’s many beaches, find a rooftop bar with a panoramic view, or simply relax on your hotel balcony and soak in the beauty of the fading light.

Here’s to a magical sunset in Phuket!

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Kavinvit Jitthum

Kavinvit Jitthum is a seasoned travel journalist with a deep-seated passion for exploring the cultural and historical facets of Bangkok. With a background in anthropology and years of experience in travel writing, Kavinvit provides readers with rich, contextual insights into Bangkok’s heritage and traditions. His articles delve into the city's lesser-known historical sites, traditional arts, and local customs, offering a profound understanding of what makes Bangkok truly unique.

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