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Where is the Security Room in Hitman, Bangkok?

Yamile Kabande

Infiltrating the security room in Hitman: Bangkok used to be a key strategy for some assassinations. However, updates to the game have changed how security functions. Let’s break down what you need to know:

Old Approach (No Longer Available)

Previously, there was a security room located on the ground floor, outside the hotel building, near the staff entrance. This room contained a device that allowed you to erase evidence. This functionality has been removed from the game.

New Approach: Disabling Cameras

Disabling security cameras is still an important tactic. There is no central location to disable all cameras at once. Instead, you’ll need to shoot them out individually or use a master keycard to disable them from server rooms.

Here are some resources to help you find the cameras and master keycard locations:

  • Hitman: Bangkok Security Room Infiltration [YouTube Video]([YouTube Hitman Bangkok Security Room])
  • What’s the EASIEST way to turn off the cameras in Bangkok… Steam Community Discussion

Alternative Strategies

Since deleting evidence is no longer an option, consider these alternatives:

  • Avoid detection altogether with a Silent Assassin (SA) approach.
  • Utilize distractions to create opportunities to eliminate your targets.
  • Disguise yourself as a staff member to gain access to restricted areas.

Remember, the beauty of Hitman is the freedom to approach your mission creatively. So adapt your strategy and use the information above to navigate the security challenges in Bangkok!

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Yamile Kabande

Yamile Kabande is a dynamic travel blogger and lifestyle writer with a passion for exploring Bangkok’s vibrant modern culture. Her content covers everything from trendy cafes and nightlife hotspots to contemporary art scenes and shopping destinations. Yamile’s lively writing style and keen eye for the latest trends help travelers stay up-to-date with Bangkok's ever-evolving cultural landscape.

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